We rely on our sponsors to provide the funds needed to mail Judicature to all federal judges, all state supreme court justices, and many state appellate judges free of charge. As publication costs increase, we also need to engage new sponsors.
Now in its 108th volume, Judicature continues to grow in visibility and readership — each print edition mails to nearly 6,000 judges and subscribers. On the website, Judicature reaches more than 65,000 viewers each quarter. Nearly a quarter of that traffic comes from international readers, and the largest demographic group our site tracks is readers aged 18-24. A recent reader survey yielded rave reviews from judges, with 95% rating the content and design as good/excellent.
Individuals and law firms who wish to sponsor Judicature may do so at three levels, outlined below. All sponsors receive complimentary subscriptions and a sponsorship notice in one print edition of Judicature.
Judicature also accepts gifts of any amount! Ready to donate or make a sponsorship contribution? Click here for more information about how to give.
Judicature Sponsorship Levels |
Justice for All CircleGift amount: $10,000 Law firms that give at this level have the option to receive up to 10 Judicature subscriptions and a half-page sponsorship notice in one edition of Judicature. Interested? Email us! |
If you would like to learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please email Lora Beth Farmer at lora.farmer@law.duke.edu.
Give online: Use Duke’s secure online giving site to give directly to Judicature (be sure Judicature is selected in the drop-down menu).
Give by mail: Checks may be made out to Duke Law School, noting ‘Bolch Judicial Institute/Judicature’ in the memo line, and mailed to:
Bolch Judicial Institute
Duke Law School
210 Science Drive
Box 90362
Durham, NC 27708-0362
Other gifts: Duke Law School welcomes gifts of securities, planned gifts, and matching gifts. To explore these giving opportunities, contact Melinda Vaughn at (919) 613-7073 or Melinda.vaughn@law.duke.edu.