Quality management — or the practices an organization creates to ensure customer requirements are met — is usually associated with the corporate world. But its aims are just as relevant to […]
When it comes to finding reasons in arbitration awards, some courts are being, well, unreasonable.
by Briana H. Zamora and Michael Boggs
Vol. 108 No. 1 (2024) | Harnessing AI for JusticeUnderstanding mental illness and addiction is rarely thought of as part of the necessary education for judges. Yet judges throughout our country are continually forced to confront the effects of […]
by Stephen Vladeck and Trevor N. McFadden
Vol. 108 No. 1 (2024) | Harnessing AI for JusticeEmergency appeals to the Supreme Court are on the rise, giving way to more and more cases in which the Court skips the processes that help explain its work. Is […]
by Linda Tvrdy, Elaine Marshall, Katherine P. Hazen, Alexandra M. Alden, Alisa K. Lincoln and Wendy E. Parmet
Vol. 108 No. 1 (2024) | Harnessing AI for JusticeEmpirical research confirms what may be intuitive: Judicial decisions can have a powerful effect on the health outcomes of both individuals and communities. Certainly, when judges review or interpret laws, regulations, […]
by Stephen Gageler and David Collins
Judicature International (2024) | An online-only publicationChief Justice Gageler speaks about his role and potential solutions to a few complex — and often global — problems that face the Australian judiciary.
The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) was enacted in 2022. One of the law’s goals is to reduce gun violence by strengthening background checks for potential gun purchasers between the […]
by Albert Diaz and Steven J. Alagna
Vol. 107 No. 2 (2023) | Generative AI in the CourtsThe debate over an ethics code for Supreme Court justices has made headlines recently. But the justices — along with the rest of the federal judiciary — have long been […]
by Merritt McAlister, Adalberto Jordán and Kimberly J. Mueller
Vol. 107 No. 2 (2023) | Generative AI in the CourtsNo new judgeships have been authorized for the federal courts of appeals in more than 40 years, resulting in a system that is burdened by large caseloads: By 2021, filings […]
by Michael M. Baylson and Steven S. Gensler
Vol. 107 No. 2 (2023) | Generative AI in the CourtsIn today’s world of borderless commerce, digital documents, and cloud storage, information relevant to U.S. litigation frequently is located outside of the United States. When discovery in a U.S. case […]