[The Scene] The first conversation takes place in the chambers of Federal District Judge Nielsen Prius. Prius enters chambers from the courtroom door behind his desk, doffs his black robe, […]
Problem-solving courts seek to broaden the focus of courts from simply adjudicating cases to changing the future behavior of litigants and ensuring the well-being of the communities they serve. Advocates […]
Congress is finally considering easing mandatory minimum penalties. However, this effort, even if successful, will need to be complemented by actions taken by the United States Sentencing Commission and federal […]
by W K Hastings
Judicature International (2021-22) | An online-only publicationConceptually, the idea that the rule of law is maintained by an independent and impartial judiciary is not difficult to understand. In fact, we really only hear about “the rule […]
by James S. Moody, Stephen D. Susman and Ashley Moody
Vol. 100 No. 1 (2016) | 100 Years of JudicatureWe all know it’s true: Judges do things that bug lawyers. Lawyers do things that bug judges. So we asked a brave lawyer and a couple of judges (a father and daughter) […]
This year marks the 100th volume of Judicature. To celebrate, each edition of this centennial volume will feature reprints of articles from the journal’s first 100 years. We’ve edited for length […]
There has been much talk lately of what is called Trial by Newspaper.In recent months there have been a number of cases in the courts which have aroused widespread public […]
ELI is the European Law Institute. Its Secretariat is based in Vienna, Austria; its members include judges, lawyers, law professors, ministry of justice officials, and law firms from the European […]
In my view, this canon of interpretation is so fraught with uncertainty of various kinds that courts should give it little weight. Better yet, drafters should not unwittingly bring it […]
[I]t seems to me that temperament is the key to everything else that one does on the bench.1 Elusive as it is important, judicial temperament is notoriously hard to define.2 Judicial […]