by Eric Surber
Vol. 105 No. 3 (2021) | Leaving AfghanistanChief Justice Michael G. Heavican of the Nebraska Supreme Court and Judge Elizabeth P. Hines (retired) of the 15th District Court in Ann Arbor, Michigan, were inducted into the National Center for State […]
As Western military forces abandoned Kabul airport in August, they left behind thousands of Afghan citizens who feared reprisal from the Taliban for their work to build democratic institutions. Perhaps […]
Interest in changing or altering the selection of judges in the states has waxed and waned from year to year for decades. What makes the last five years remarkable, however, […]
Welcome to the fourth edition of Judicature under the auspices of Duke Law School. My colleagues in Duke Law School’s LL.M. in Judicial Studies program take great pride in serving […]
Problem-solving courts seek to broaden the focus of courts from simply adjudicating cases to changing the future behavior of litigants and ensuring the well-being of the communities they serve. Advocates […]
Congress is finally considering easing mandatory minimum penalties. However, this effort, even if successful, will need to be complemented by actions taken by the United States Sentencing Commission and federal […]
by W K Hastings
Judicature International (2021-22) | An online-only publicationConceptually, the idea that the rule of law is maintained by an independent and impartial judiciary is not difficult to understand. In fact, we really only hear about “the rule […]
by James S. Moody, Stephen D. Susman and Ashley Moody
Vol. 100 No. 1 (2016) | 100 Years of JudicatureWe all know it’s true: Judges do things that bug lawyers. Lawyers do things that bug judges. So we asked a brave lawyer and a couple of judges (a father and daughter) […]
The Storied Third Branch Judge Paul Hatfield was an extraordinary judge, a man possessed of humility and courage. He was born and raised in a “blue-collar” family, and he never […]
by Maya K. Bell and Eric Surber
Vol. 105 No. 2 (2021) | Judicial IndependenceJudge Linda Hidalgo of Harris County, Texas, is a 2021 recipient of the John F. Kennedy New Frontier Award. The award honors Americans under 40 who are changing the country through […]